SOTHYS Ageless Christmas Coffret
Sothys Ageless Christmas Coffret (Grade 1 to Grade 4) Collection
Price from RM494 onwards (n.p. from RM763 onwards. Contains 1 Ageless Cream (50ml) (Grade 1 to 4) and 1 Ageless Serum (30ml)
(Grade 1 to 4)
SOTHYS Secrets de Sothys ® Luxury Collection
SOTHYS Secrets de Sothys ® Luxury Collection RM719 (n.p. RM1,048) – Contains 1 Secrets de Sothys ® Cream (50ml) and 1 Secrets de Sothys ® Eye Contour Serum (15ml)
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SOTHYS Hydroptimale® THI3 Coffret at RM544 (n.p. RM708)
Contains 1 Hydroptimale® THI3 Serum (50ml) and 1 Hydroptimale ® Light Cream (50ml)
Purchase DUO Hydra-Renewal Set* at only RM489 (n.p RM835.60)
* With 2 complimentary Hydroptimale® THI3 Mask Sachet (4ml)