This's post about posts I tried to write but didn't. Hell yeah, that's pretty much as fascinating as it sounds ~ huh ? (:
Apparently, my life has been fluctuating from being terribly excited since the day i step into Melbourne. It's almost have been a month I leave from Malaysia and I love here, no doubt. Hey, of course I miss my family, my friends and I am sure they're missing me as well (: *grin* Wish me luck ~ for those who really love me (: Thank u.
Oh well, I was extremely glad to enter winter season even though the weather is melting me always ~ Wondering if I could stay here longer ? aha ! silly thought :S hmm.. was try to not thinking about this ~ yet, things are really unpredictable, right? Who knows ? Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow ? Only god know (: Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice. But for those who love, time is eternity ~ So, what is time, for you ? (:
I am already worried and sad about saying goodbye, aren't me ? Why, yes yes I am. Just can't denied it. But since I put words to it, it seems silly to stress about it. I'd much rather just be happy to be here and I felt a such a sense of relief after I explained my own feelings to myself. Being happy is the one way of being wise (: Agree huh ?
Life's so fragile yet lovely. You wouldn't even know who's the next one you'll fall for ? Where's the next place you'll stay at ? Sometimes, It's hard to believe, what I've done :P It's been an ages that I didn't update my bloggie like this..hmm i mean.. like this ~ I wrote a lots ! *impressed myself* wink*
Well, hard to express my feeling sometimes and when inspiration came into my mind abruptly and i was tried to sat in front of computer and started to blog...... dongGg ~ you know what ? my mind was totally blanked and I can't even spoke out what I actually wanted to blog -.- gosh !
Hey hey hey, inspiration came ! Suddenly thought about 'betray' : to hurt somebody who trusts you, especially by not being loyal or faithful to them. Ohh no, this's so upset !
So, for those who’ve been betrayed and hurt by your own friends or love ones because of rivalry and selfishness ~ or perhaps, love ? If any of you ever wonder how they can be so extremely cold blooded at times when you found out some truth, never ever think that all the betrayal that had happened is because of your own fault. Hey, how many ppl actually point fingers at themselves before saying sorry and saying it’s their own fault. Everyone is selfish most of the time ! Well, JUST admit it. either me. *blush* Yet, if you disagree with it, it's probably more towards all the time, even the kind things people do for each other ~ and maybe something like predictably irrational ?!?! aha--haha -.-'' awesome ! *hip hip*
Thus, we gotta live with integrity (: for me, living with integrity means, not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships ~ always tell yourself that you deserves the best ! This is what I tell myself every single day in my life :) *proud+giggle* Just asking for what you want and need from others. Speak out your truth your thought, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that're in harmony with your personal values ~ this's important ! And, making choices based on what you believe but not what others believe (:
But, if you want all your friends to solely live for you, you’ll be much disappointed because no one will ever really live for you. I know it's kinda upset, but it's true and we've gotta concede it ! and I bet money can easily win you over ~ hell right ! so sad huh ?! :(
Just can't deny it, you can only help others when you're strong enough for yourself ; But when you're strong enough, do you know that how many among of your friends want to see u drop right down again ? The answer is...... @$%#$^#@! Such a world huh !!?! Well , this's call, L.I.F.E.
Hey ! I am bullshit-ing ! am I ? hahaha--ha ! I am kinda blur now ~ and I really feel kinda conceited about myself sometimes :P maybe life's really too short for everyone out there ~ especially when we're drowning in those happy moments with those lovely peoples we care, we love. So why don't we just live with happiness instead of those f**k up sadness--esss ?! *infinity smile on my face*
A moment of sorrow often brings us back to the times when we learn and suffer from loses and pain. I would love that ~ but i don't do it all the time (:
Good morning everyone ! :D
Time for me to hit the sack ! *yawn*
♥falling in sweetness dreams while waiting my tiger babe come back♥